Become a kids' Club member Please fill out the below registration form to apply to become a member of our Kids’ Club. Once this has been filled out, one of our team will be in touch and will provide you with more information to complete the membership application.Any questions? Get in touch! Member First Name Member Surname Date of Birth Please select the most accurate of the below options Please select... Local resident Holiday-home resident Regularly in the area on holiday First Line of home address Postcode Parent Email address Parent Mobile phone number Would you like to be added to the Kids' Club Facebook group? Images and information will be shared here Please select... I have Facebook and would like to be invited to the Kids' Club Facebook group I would not like to be invited/I do not have Facebook Would you like to be added to the Kids' Club WhatsApp group? Images and information will be shared here Please select... I have WhatsApp and would like to be added to the Kids' Club WhatsApp group using the number given earlier I would not like to be added/I do not have WhatsApp How did you hear about the Kids' Club Send